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Select the Ideas that Work and Make Them Reality

Select the project you want to do for the benefit of your family, company, municipality, state, country or continent and we will help you in its successful management.

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Gestión para un Desarrollo Sostenible

Organización y Planificación Urbana Sostenible

Biogeoingeniería y Mitigación de Desastres Naturales

Tecnologías para Reducir Contaminación Ambiental

Simulador Planetario y Predicción del Clima

Strategy of Our Projects

The projects are aligned to our strategic planning for the achievement of our mission. Currently we promote the Plan 1 The Climate to lay the foundations of a civilization that can expand while preserving the environment and quality of life with sustainable development and equal opportunities to exercise human rights.


The sub-goals of the plan are 5, for their achievement we have 5 programs, and a sixth program dedicated exclusively to the mitigation of natural disasters.  To achieve the objectives of the programs, we promote projects that benefit you. You can be part of those who take action and get involved in the adventure for the survival of the planet and humanity, from your home, city, region, country or continent.


Get to know the programs and their projects so that you can choose which ones you can execute with our advice in adjusting the projects to your needs and in project management.

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Program #1
Goal: Climate Prediction System and Planetary Simulator

Projects for the development and use of technological innovations in computing and robotics, which solve climate problems and mitigate natural disasters.

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Program #2

Goals: Systems to Reduce and Absorb CO2 Emissions, Purify the Air and Water of the Cities, the Atmosphere and the Oceans

Cutting-edge technologies and innovations to reduce environmental pollution, rescue oceans and ecosystems, and improve quality of life.

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Program #3
Goals: BIO Geoengineering to Reduce Typhoons, Cyclones, Hurricanes and Tornadoes

Technologies to reduce, divert and disappear typhoons, cyclones, hurricanes and tornadoes with natural and technological resources, to protect towns and ecosystems

Programs Menu

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Program #4
Goals: Organization and Urban Planning for Sustainable Development

Organization and models of smart and sustainable homes and cities. Sustainable Development according to geographical area: rural, desert, coastal areas, and in nature reserves. Urban planning based on achieving equal opportunities to exercise human rights and their continuous consolidation. Gender Equity in a decade.


Program #5

Goals: Management Policies for Sustainable Development

The way in which we will manage to consolidate equal human rights, a sustainable economy for sustainable development, with air quality and conservation of natural resources.

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Program #3
Goals: Prevention, Mitigation and Reconstruction before Natural Disasters

Technologies, organization and management policies to effectively mitigate natural disasters and how to rebuild with safe buildings and infrastructures according to the disaster risk atlas.

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Select the project you want to work on, with services ofadvisoryWe can organize and adjust them to your available resources and needs. Through the project management service we will help you execute them successfully

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