Sustainable Shelters and Refugee Centres
for Sustainable Development and Justice
More than 100 million people have been displaced by violence and this figure is increasing daily, refugees and receiving countries need your help for their care. The way to help is by empowering the refugee, in Sustainable Shelters.
Introduction: Situation of the Vertiginous Increase of Displaced by Violence
1% of the world population has been displaced by violence, mainly by terrorism, state terrorism and unpunished genocide.
Despite the existence of numerous treaties and agreements to prevent and stop these crimes against humanity, the United Nations does not apply justice in a timely manner or leaves them unpunished.
Despite the compelling evidence, they choose to protect the repressors and not their victims, to dialogue with genocidal individuals and with terrorism, completely contrary to what is stipulated in the Rome Statute, which obliges nations to detain genocidal individuals, Resolution 1373, which prohibits any support for terrorism and the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) which obliges nations to protect citizens and imprison their perpetrators.
Instead, they imprison victims in overcrowded shelters for more than 20 years, so that their oppressors go on at large, murdering and displacing more and more people.
Due to non-compliance with these duties stipulated in international law, the number of people displaced by violence is increasing vertiginously, 1 in 95 people in the world need shelters, the largest number of refugees are from Venezuela, Ukraine, Syria and Afghanistan.
This crisis is further aggravated by those who emigrate due to the consequences of global warming, where the most affected are women and LGBTIQ people.
Red Alert Series: Episode 2 Increase in Displaced by Violence
We invite you to watch an episode of ourRed Alert Series The Earth to stop the violence that causes the main displacements: Genocides, Ecocides and Invasions.
Promote Justice for Crimes Against Humanity and the Responsibility to Protect!
Sign Our Petitions for Justice
Refugees Crisis
Empowered Refugees
Solution for Refugees and Host Countries:
Sustainable Shelter Projects or Refugee Job Training Centers
We designed a model of Arca Tierra NGO Sustainable Refuge, where the refugee will be empowered with knowledge and experience in cutting-edge technologies and administration for the performance of sustainable economic activities, will gain experience while working in the refuge with the relevant labor rights.
The refuge with its sustainable economic activities can be self-financing, once it has a year of operation. It operates as a biofactory, that is, without CO2 emissions, in the production of valuable goods, products and services for the sustainable development of the host country.
Sustainable Shelter Model for People Displaced by Violence
We invite you to watch the following video that explains the model of
Sustainable Refuge:
Benefits Generated by the Sustainable Refuge Model
- Temporary sustainable ecological housing.
- Sources of paid employment in the shelter for refugees and citizens of the host town.
- Training in: aquaponics, construction of ecological houses, water management systems to avoid floods and shortages, renewable energy, recycling, mitigation of natural disasters, conservation of natural resources, organic cooking, sustainable production, processing and marketing of food. The practices will be carried out in the shelter and in the host town to contribute to its sustainable development.
- Relocation and integration into the host country with employment or a green business model.
- Open primary and secondary education.
- Citizenship education in democratic values and human rights.
- Activism opportunity to take back their country through a museum of truth, in the refuge, to push for international justice for crimes against humanity committed in their country of origin and the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), so that humanity evolves towards justice, oriented to the protection of citizens and not their repressors.
- Medical and dental insurance.
- Cultural and sports centers for refugees and the locality.
How will they work?
The sustainable shelters will function under a democratic system, managed and operated by the refugees with the supervision of NGOs and the security of the local authorities, in a period of 6 months they will be relocated in sustainable urbanizations built by refugees and local labor, they will be relocated in less populated areas without family separation, facilitating their integration with sources of employment or resources to undertake sustainable activities or replicate sustainable shelters, in relocation areas. Therefore, each sustainable refuge will have a multiplier effect of sustainable development.
In this way, refugees will be trained and gain experience to build sustainable development in host countries, and by the time they can return to their nation, they will have the democratic and development tools to rebuild it.
Help Build Our Sustainable Shelter Models!
Help Empower Refugees!
Comprehensive and Portable Solutions for Refugees
For the
of hungry
and Poverty
Comprehensive Solutions for Refugees
One way to integrate solutions to the main sufferings of refugees, with compact and portable facilities, adaptable to any shelter model, or social interest house for refugees or people with limited resources is the WATER-ENERGY-FOOD Circuits.
The main needs to solve in shelters and people living in poverty, is the lack of drinking water, optimal drainage systems to prevent flooding, the lack of public services for wastewater and sewage treatment, electricity supply and access to a healthy diet, with high nutritional value. As well as their social and economic integration for sustainable development, with equal opportunities to exercise human rights.
All these needs can be solved with our WATER-ENERGY-FOO Circuits project. Below we explain what it consists of and, by way of example, its adaptation to a shelter model designed by the Balbek Bureau Architecture studio for displaced Ukrainians, who are currently victims of genocide.
In Europe per year approximately 15,000 euros per person are spent on humanitarian assistance to the poor and refugees and even so they do not overcome poverty and are not integrated socially or economically, with the water-energy-food circuits they will only need to finance it so that the beneficiary family overcomes hunger and poverty
Access to food with high nutritional value to feed families and/or to commercialize organic food, because they will be able to commercialize surpluses. Thus defeating hunger and malnutrition
820 million suffer from hunger
Access to Basic Services
Supply of water, electricity, sewage and sewage treatment. This, in addition to improving quality of life, prevents diseases and deaths. Nearly 1,000 children die every day from diarrheal diseases associated with contaminated drinking water, poor sanitation or poor practices
In installation, operation and maintenance of aquaponics system, spirulina-based foods, biofertilizer manufacturing, renewable energy and water reuse. Follow-up for 3 months